Children and Families
We have worked with lots of parents, children's providers, and health and social care partnerships who have an interest in making self-directed support work well for children, young people, and families. We have shared practice that works well, found solutions to common issues and made useful connections with others.
On this page you can access some useful resources.
A model resource allocation system for children, young people and families based on achieving the Shanarri wellbeing indicators
There are some talented and dedicated social workers in Middlesbrough – protecting children and trying where possible to keep families together. The significant numbers of looked after children and the lack of a ‘mechanism’ to allow a more fluid use of resources can lead sometimes to ‘placementitis’. This briefing paper gives examples where professionals have worked together with the child/young person or their families to see a positive way forward.
Using resources differently with looked after children and their families - some early lessons from the Scottish pilot sites
In Control Scotland published discussion paper which restates the core elements of Self-Directed Support in the context of an emerging National Care Service. This paper was developed alongside our monthly programme of lunchtime sessions for people interested in SDS for children and families, and is designed to help people working in social care to think about the values and principles of SDS in an accessible and relationship-focused way when working with people and families. The report features a suite of graphics which can be used for carrying out planning, and discussion questions for people and teams to use to evaluate their progress towards person-centred and relationship-focused approaches.