Self Directed Support
Self Directed Support is about people being in control of the support they need to live their lives. It is built on the premise that people who need support are best placed to know what support they need to make their life better and that they can have control over identifying their needs as well as designing and purchasing the support to meet their needs. Self Directed Support is commonly called SDS and is how social care is provided in Scotland. Since 1st April 2014 the Social Care (Self Directed Support) (Scotland Act) 2013 has been law.
You can find some helpful resources about self-directed support in the following pages:
This document is an update of Statutory Guidance originally published in 2014. This document retains some of what was in the original Guidance, but has some important differences.
The most recent Implementation Plan to support the self-directed support strategy was in place from 2019 to 2021. Since the previous plan expired, local authorities, independent support organisations and others involved in delivering SDS have continued improvement activity for the provision of SDS. This new Plan has been developed to make sure that work taking place to improve SDS is more coherent and better coordinated, focuses on the right priorities, and can be delivered effectively by local authorities, third sector organisations, the Scottish Government and COSLA, working together.
The SDS Framework of Standards was produced by Social Work Scotland and co-designed by people with lived experience of social care and people working in social care and social work. It sets out what good practice looks like across a wide range of topics.
This is a easy read version of the SDS Framework of Standards