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Revised Statutory Guidance for Self-Directed Support

After working with a wide range of partners, including In Control Scotland, the Scottish Government has published revised Statutory Guidance for Self-Directed Support. The Guidance sits alongside the Act, which itself has not been changed, and is designed for local authorities to ensure that they understand how to implement the legislation.


In a letter to stakeholders who worked on the review, the Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social Care, Kevin Stewart, said: “We know that Independent Living is a crucial part of enabling human rights, and Self-Directed Support plays a key role in delivering this. I believe that social care is an investment in people and Self-Directed Support is intended to enable, promote and protect the human rights and independent living of supported people in Scotland.”


The Minister also emphasized that SDS is “the way that social care must be delivered in Scotland – for children, adults and those in transition to adulthood”.


The updated Guidance incorporates the SDS Framework of Standards and the changes made during the pandemic which allowed for greater flexibility, as well as several updates to incorporate changes in legislation and policy. Overall, it has been designed to be clearer, more user friendly, and more accessible. Alongside the new guidance there is an easy read version and a BSL video. You can view all of these by visiting the Scottish Government website on these links:


Revised Statutory Guidance: Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013: statutory guidance - summary - (

Easy Read version: Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013: statutory guidance - easy read - (

BSL video: Statutory Guidance to accompany the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013 (BSL) - YouTube

SDS Statutory Guidance - Updated Version 2022_Page_2.jpg

Kevin Stewart
Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social Care

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