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Find out what is happening at In Control Scotland and other related news about self-directed support

In Control Scotland’s response to
Learning Disability, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill Consultation 

The Learning Disability, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill (sometimes called the LDAN Bill) was open for consultation between December 2023 and April 2024. Click on the links below to read a summary of In Control Scotland’s response to this. 


PDF copy of response to LDAN

Word Copy of response to LDAN

Self-Directed Support Option 2 Focus Groups Feedback Report
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In January 2024 we hosted two provider focus groups around SDS Options 2. These focus groups were very well received and whilst both had common themes around SDS Option 2, both groups also had different topics that they discussed.

Dr Danielle Farrel, who co-facilitated the focus groups has now written up the findings of these groups and produced a report, which you can download here

These groups and the findings gathered from them will assist and feed into In Control Scotland’s proposed work in 2024/2025. We look forward to exploring and developing this work in the coming year.

We are thrilled to announce that In Control Scotland have been successful in securing funding from The Alliance Self Management Fund. This 3 year funding package will allow us to create a Person-Centred Planning Academy of disabled adults and unpaid carers to deliver person-centred plans for disabled young people.

Having a person-centred plan allows people to dream; to have their experience, gifts, strengths and talents recognised and celebrated in a system that is typically deficit heavy and lacks creative solutions. Person-centred planning opens the door to natural, community, and mainstream opportunities to live a good life, building resilience and aspiration in equal measure, and having this facilitated by someone who can truly relate to their experiences is extremely powerful.

The project team is now working hard behind the scenes on putting this idea into action, and we will be recruiting for participants soon. Watch this space!

Revised Statutory Guidance for Self-Directed Support Published November 2022

After working with a wide range of partners, including In Control Scotland, the Scottish Government has published the revised Statutory Guidance for Self-Directed Support. The Guidance sits alongside the Act, which itself has not been changed, and is designed for local authorities to ensure that they understand how to implement the legislation.  Click here to read all about the review and for the links to the updated guidance.

SDS Statutory Guidance - Updated Version 2022_Page_2.jpg

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Flash Reports

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Following our lunchtime sessions, our lovely Pauline has been producing a flash report, with information on the  session, what was discussed and how things went on the day!  You can check out these 'flash reports' in the following slides.........

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